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Planet Comicon 2015!

We had a temendous amount of fun at Planet Comicon this year.  Aside from meeting a bunch of new people and seeing some amazing costumes we managed to sell out of our final copies of the initial concept print of Gears, Gadgets & Steam.


We also were able to catch up with some people we have been working with, including the extremely courteous and knowledgeable Kevin J Anderson. It was a great privilege to finally meet him in person.


Last, but certainly not least, we were able to spread the word about the upcoming release of the short film Jasmine, which we our proud to have played a part in it's creation, however small. Check out Jasmine and keep with release information here.


Thanks for the great memories!


In Shambles available on Amazon!

$4.99 (digital)


In Shambles Horror Anthology featuring Kevin J Anderson (Writer of 125 books and 52 bestsellers including works of Dune, Star Wars, X Files, Dan Shamble) is available and doing well on Amazon! Read a sample and see if you can put it down.

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #33,449 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
#8 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Anthologies & Literature Collections > Horror
#37 in Books > Literature & Fiction > Genre Fiction > Horror > Anthologies


Check it out!


The Return of Sherlock Holmes!

$1.99 (digital), $5.99 (print)

Do you enjoy Sherlock Holmes? Do you love steampunk? Then you'll love Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Man-Made Vacuum! Roy C Booth and Nicholas Johnson bring the characters of Sherlock Holmes and his trusty companion Watson out of retirement and deliver a riveting tale full of intrigue. Pick it up today through Amazon for your digital or paperback needs. We at Harren Press salute you!


Purchase it here.


Chords of Charis is out!

$1.99 (digital), $5.99 (print)

“As a strong, independent woman, and as a lesbian, it is always a pleasure to read a story where the main character is also a strong, independent woman who is also a lesbian. It is about time that this concept be introduced into the fantasy genre which has for so long been predominantly strong male characters. I look forward to reading more stories like this in the future.”
      - Ginger Shillito


We start with this quote because we want people to know that this book does contain LGBT undertones. But what’s it about?

As the second piece to come out of the world of Harren (but standalone), Chords of Charis follows a young, orphan girl who is hidden away from an enemy that she is oblivious to. Meanwhile, she studies to become a Song Maiden in an attempt to obtain the ability to wield words like a sword. But her plans are interrupted and she must move again. While on the run, a friendship blossoms into something more, questions about her life are answered, and loved ones are lost. Follow Charis on her path of revenge.


Take a look.


Gleanings From the Fields of Life

$2.99 (digital), $9.99 (print)


Are you looking for answers to life questions?

Have you ever used paranormal ways to get to those answers?

Do you believe in psychics?

If you can say yes to these questions, then check out a sample of Gleanings From the Fields of Life: A Psychic’s Guide to the Galaxy by psychic Ruth Lordan.


Find the answers here!


The Eye of Everfell

When the first concept of In Shambles Horror Anthology (featuring Kevin J. Anderson, KJA) came out, maybe some of you were unfamiliar with the name Bard Constantine. You shouldn't be anymore. Read a sample, pick up something (I would suggest The Aberration or City of Glass). There are many reasons why he made our cover. One of them being undeniable talent. Take a second and check out the cover for his upcoming piece, The Eye of Everfell. Can't wait to pick this one up myself.


See what Bard Constatine is all about here.


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